Thursday, September 18, 2008

Demo-process Speech General Comments (9M3 & UK6B)

Demo-Process Speech General Comments for All

1. Control your nervousness when speaking in public or in front of a crowd. You should constantly practice your speech before presenting it in class.

2. Make sure that you are at the center of the class when you present.

3. Maintain eye contact with not only the instructor, but also the audience.

4. You should use your speech cards just as a reminder on what you should talk about next. Do not rely on it 100% when delivering a speech. It shows you are unprepared.

5. It is recommended that you give the audience the materials that you use when demonstrating how to make an object (only for small and simple to do objects).

6. It is okay to throw in a few jokes here and there in your speech, but the main focus is to present the process of doing an action or making an object. You lose marks if you focus too much on jokes in the speech.

7. When demonstrating a small object, make sure that you have a bigger version to display to the entire audience. Generally, people at the back cannot see the small things that you display to them.

8. You should always practice your speech in full and time it. The instructor ignores points presented beyond the time limit. This causes you to lose marks.

9. The outline that you do for your speech is a general outline. You need not follow or say what you have written in it word by word. You should make adjustments to it to suit the time limit given.

10. Always consult the instructor whenever you have doubt on how to present your speech.

* For class UK6B, you can view the comments written by your friends for your particular demo-process speech in the folder at the notice board outside of my room at ST17 (It will only be displayed there until this 26th of September)

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